urban Decay book of shadows Vol. II


Whee! The coffee’s kicking in… I feel pretty good, but my to-do list is staring at me with those scary Geico eyes. I have lots to do before heading to vegas for a conference (Blog world Expo) on Wednesday.

Do you read or study with the TV or music playing in the background?

I wish I could, but I need the sound of silence. I love music, but if I’m listening while reading I can’t concentrate worth squat.

Носиш ли очила?

Мда! I used to only wear them for distance, but the interwebz and computer screens have ruined my vision. pretty soon I’ll need spectacles in my sleep!


Stretchaaaay clothes are my BFF. Black cropped yoga pants, a gray sweatshirt and a long-sleeve pink/white striped top.

Cold weather — love it or hate it?

Bluh, hate it!


Urban Decay book of shadows Vol. II/MAC Suntint SPF 20 liquid Lip Balm in Lilt of Lily/NARS Orgasm/Laguna Duo

What was the last nice thing to happen to you?

Tabs just jumped up on my desk, plopped his kitty bum directly in front of me on the keyboard and gently set his paws on my shoulder.

Something you’d like to remind yourself of today:

Even if you never win a race, always run with style and dignity.

Guys who carry man purses — yes or no?

ДА МОЛЯ. My purse is not built to carry your cameras, comic books, Powerbars, your 10 pounds of loose change, your Swiss army knife or your Swingers DVD, etc. etc.

Weekly goals:

Go for a walk after work to scope out the new neighborhood, figure out what to do with the curtains (it’s official, I’m useless in all matters of home decor) and get to bed early on Tuesday night (gotta get up at 3 a.m. Wed morning to catch a flight).

Happy Monday, tabby cats.


Two more things I wish I could do: 1) I wish I could eat mountains of cheese without worrying about the calories going directly to my butt, and 2) I wish I could figure out how to extend the weekends and delay the inevitable start of the workweek.

Before you dive into your to-do list, take a second to check in? It’s quick and painless — less so than waxing a ‘stash.

To play, just copy the list below and stick it in the comments with your answers.


Суичър за котки и грим ??

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Пазарувай сега

Le list

1. Mood:
2. Do you read or study with the TV or music playing in the background?
3. Do you wear glasses?
4. Outfit:
5. cold weather — love it or hate it?
6. Eyes/Lips/Cheeks:
7. What was the last nice thing to happen to you?
8. Something you’d like to remind yourself of today:
9. guys who carry man purses — yes or no?
10. weekly goals:


Have a good one today!

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


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